
IOS 16.6 DeveloperDiskImage Download Failed

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
When opening LocationSimulator, I clicked on my corresponding iPhone and I wait for it to download the iOS 16.6 disk image. But after a few seconds, i get the error with the title saying "DeveloperDiskImage Download Failed" and "Failed to download DeveloperDiskImage.dmg or DeveloperDiskImage.dmg.signature". I have tried both the wired connection and the wireless connection. I have even restarted both my mac and iPhone multiple times but still get the same error repeatedly when I opened the app. I also tried downloading the app again and trying different versions but I got the same error.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Location Simulator
  2. Click on the device on the sidebar and wait for download
  3. See error: "DeveloperDiskImage Download Failed.

Expected behavior
Expected app to run and open with no errors involved except developer mode not enabled.

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 1 48 59 PM

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • macOS: 13.4.1 Ventura
  • LocationSimulator version: 0.2.2

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone 13
  • OS: iOS 16.6

Should be fixed now. Can you test and report back ?

You might need to wait ~10 minutes until the new download links are fetched.

Ok let me test it.

Should be fixed now. Can you test and report back ?

You might need to wait ~10 minutes until the new download links are fetched.

Thank you, yes it work this time

IOS 17.1.1 has the same issue

iOS 17 is not supported.