simple question about ld2410
jangshik opened this issue · 1 comments
jangshik commented
- Hardware / PCB
- Software / ESPHome
Whats your idea?
it seems that in ld2410 yaml, a substitution is declared for
ld2410_max_distance_move: 4.5m
ld2410_max_distance_still: 4.5m
but can not find anywhere it is used for. can i change this value to change the detection range?
Schluggi commented
interesting. I've never noticed. I just removed the substitution and bump the configuration to the latest version (#118).
You can (now) configure ld2410_max_distance_move & ld2410_max_distance_still via HomeAssistant:
You may have to update your the LD2410 firmware first to be capable to use all features: