esphome not compliling
Ghome79 opened this issue · 4 comments
Ghome79 commented
- Hardware / PCB
- [ X] Software / ESPHome
Version of ESPHome / AIOsense
Describe the bug
it wont compile with s2 mini or c3 mini
INFO ESPHome 2023.7.0
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/s2-all.yaml...
Failed config
switch.template: [source /config/esphome/.esphome/packages/f7a0b76d/esphome/packages/sensors/sen0395.yaml:17]
platform: template
name: mmWave Sensor
id: mmwave_sensor
entity_category: config
optimistic: True
The restore_state option has been removed in 2023.7.0. Use the restore_mode option instead.
restore_state: True
assumed_state: True
- uart.write: sensorStart
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: sensorStop
- delay: 1s
switch.template: [source /config/esphome/.esphome/packages/f7a0b76d/esphome/packages/sensors/sen0395.yaml:31]
platform: template
name: mmWave LED
id: mmwave_led
entity_category: config
optimistic: True
The restore_state option has been removed in 2023.7.0. Use the restore_mode option instead.
restore_state: True
assumed_state: True
- switch.turn_off: mmwave_sensor
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: setLedMode 1 0
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: saveConfig
- delay: 3s
- switch.turn_on: mmwave_sensor
- switch.turn_off: mmwave_sensor
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: setLedMode 1 1
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: saveConfig
- delay: 3s
- switch.turn_on: mmwave_sensor
afp316 commented
I was having this issue last night. I just performed an update with the new config. I can confirm it works.
Ghome79 commented
yes its working now.
i wanted to take the time and thank you for your time and effort.
i also found another bug that i manage to fix myself.
c3 mini with ld2410 i had to reverse the tx rx pin to get the reading.
I made the changes on the esp32-c3-mini.yaml file, not sure if its a cpu board related or just the ld2410.yaml file.
not sure if you wanted a new post for this