
`svelte-check` fails when consuming library

9ParsonsB opened this issue · 1 comments

When referencing this component in a svelte app and running svelte-check the following is reported:

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  export let color: SpinnerTypes["color"] = "#FF3E00";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  import { range, durationUnitRegex } from "./utils";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  export let color: SpinnerTypes["color"] = "#FF3E00";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  export let color: SpinnerTypes["color"] = "#FF3E00";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  import { range, durationUnitRegex } from "./utils";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  import { calculateRgba, range } from "./utils";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  import { range, durationUnitRegex } from "./utils";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  import { range } from "./utils";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  import { range, durationUnitRegex } from "./utils";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  export let color: SpinnerTypes["color"] = "#FF3E00";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  import { range, durationUnitRegex } from "./utils";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  export let color: SpinnerTypes["color"] = "#FF3E00";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  import { range, durationUnitRegex } from "./utils";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  import { range, durationUnitRegex } from "./utils";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  import { durationUnitRegex, range } from "./utils";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  export let color: SpinnerTypes["color"] = "#FF3E00";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  export let color: SpinnerTypes["color"] = "#FF3E00";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  export let color: SpinnerTypes["color"] = "#FF3E00";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  import { calculateRgba } from "./utils";

Error: Cannot find module '../src/types/spinner.type' or its corresponding type declarations. (ts)
<script lang="ts">
  import type { SpinnerTypes } from "../src/types/spinner.type";
  export let color: SpinnerTypes["color"] = "#FF3E00";

@9ParsonsB This should now be fixed.