
Use fine-tuned STUNet to inference BodyMap CT samples and get the masks.

Primary LanguagePython


Use STUNet fine-tuned on DAP Atlas to inference BodyMap CT samples and get the masks.

1. Getting Started

1.1 Installing STU-Net

Install STU-Net.

The model is built based on nnUNet V1. Please ensure that you meet the requirements of nnUNet.

git clone https://github.com/Ziyan-Huang/STU-Net.git
cd nnUNet-1.7.1
pip install -e .

If you have installed nnUNetv1 already. You can just copy the following files in this repo to your nnUNet repository.

copy /network_training/* nnunet/training/network_training/
copy /network_architecture/* nnunet/network_architecture/
copy run_finetuning.py nnunet/run/

1.2 Downloading pre-trained weights

We use DAP Atlas (144) classes to fine-tune STU-Net pre-trained on TotalSegmentator for 500 epochs. Download the weights (Task102_DAP_Atlas.zip), unzip it to your nnUNet 3d full resolution result directory (e.g., .../nnU-Net/nnUNet_results/nnUNet/3d_fullres/).

1.3 Preparing data

Please ensure your original data directory seems like this:

- Your_BodyMap_Dir/
  - BDMAP_00000001/
    - segmentations/
    - ct.nii.gz
  - BDMAP_00000002/
    - segmentations/
    - ct.nii.gz
  - BDMAP_00000003/
    - segmentations/
    - ct.nii.gz
  - ...

1.3.1 We use a bash script to convert the original directory to target directory. Caution: To save your disk space, we only create soft links.


# original
src_dir="Your_BodyMap_Dir/"  # replace this
# target
target_dir=".../BodyMap/STUNet_inference_data/"  # replace this as you want

# create target dir
mkdir -p "$target_dir"

# traverse all subdirs in original data dir
for subdir in "$src_dir"*/
    # name of the subdir
    dir_name=$(basename "$subdir")
    # name of the new ct file
    # original file path
    # target file path

    # create soft link
    ln -s "$src_file" "$target_file"

After running the code, you have the following target directory:

- Your_CT_Data_Dir/
  - BDMAP_00000001_0000.nii.gz
  - BDMAP_00000002_0000.nii.gz
  - BDMAP_00000003_0000.nii.gz
  - ...

1.3.2 We split the data into slices in order to run the '''all_in_gpu''' mode. First, modify the "input_dir" to [Your_CT_Data_Dir] and "output_dir" to [Your_Sliced_CT_Dir]. And then run

python split_niigz_slices.py

After running the code, you have the following directory for sliced CT samples:

- Your_Sliced_CT_Dir/
  - BDMAP_00000001_slice_1_0000.nii.gz
  - BDMAP_00000001_slice_2_0000.nii.gz
  - BDMAP_00000001_slice_3_0000.nii.gz
  - ...

2. Inference with STUNet

2.1 Inference

To conduct inference on single GPU, you can use following command:

nnUNet_predict -i [Your_Sliced_CT_Dir] -o [Your_Sliced_Mask_Dir] -t 102 -m 3d_fullres -f 0 -tr STUNetTrainer_large_ft -chk model_ep_500 --step_size 0.9 --disable_tta --mode fast --all_in_gpu True

For multi-GPU inference, use the command like:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nnUNet_predict [...] --part_id 0 --num_parts 2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 nnUNet_predict [...] --part_id 1 --num_parts 2

2.2 Merge

We need to merge the sliced masks to the original size of the CT scans. First, modify the "input_dir" to [Your_Sliced_Mask_Dir] and "output_dir" to [Your_Mask_Dir]. And then run

python merge_niigz_slices.py

Then the new mask dir would be like

- Your_Mask_Dir/
  - BDMAP_00000001.nii.gz
  - BDMAP_00000002.nii.gz
  - BDMAP_00000003.nii.gz
  - ...

3. Convert Dataset Format

Finally, we need to convert the prediction on Your_Mask_Dir/ to BodyMap format. Modify the "input_dir" to [Your_Mask_Dir] and "output_dir" to [Your_BodyMap_Dir]. Run

python make_separate_masks.py

to seperate a mask file containing 144 classes to 144 masks with the organ name as the filename.

- Your_BodyMap_Dir/
  - BDMAP_00000001/
    - segmentations/
      - abdominal_tissue.nii.gz
      - adrenal_gland_left.nii.gz
      - adrenal_gland_right.nii.gz
      - ...
    - combined_labels.nii.gz
    - ct.nii.gz
  - BDMAP_00000002/
    - segmentations/
    - combined_labels.nii.gz
    - ct.nii.gz
  - BDMAP_00000003/
    - segmentations/
    - combined_labels.nii.gz
    - ct.nii.gz
  - ...

Appendix. Download Huggingface merged data

cd path_to_target_dir
huggingface-cli download meddata/STUNet_inference_sliced_mask_merged  --repo-type dataset --local-dir .  --cache-dir ./cache