
Weird characters

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Current Behavior

We've installed the extensions without any problems. The thing is that we sometimes get weird characters mainly this one : �) when exporting to pdf.
Even in the about section we get this bug (see screenshot of step 5. below).

Expected Behavior

Write normal characters

Steps To Reproduce


Environment - OS


Polarion version

2310 & 2404

Extension Version


Anything else

No response

Hi @Pikoon,

could you please provide me with the screenshot of About page?
I want to check your configuration including "Extension info", "Extension configuration properties" and "Extension configuration status"

Hi @grigoriev,
Thanks for your help. Here is the configuration :

so, look like you have built the extension by yourself on Windows. We will try to reproduce the problem with uft8 chars in About page during build on Windows.

Regarding WeasyPrint installation. The preferable way to use WeasyPrint with PDF-Exporter is WeasyPrint as Service in Docker.

If you still want to use WeasyPrint as legacy CLI for Windows I would suggest installing WeasyPrint as executable binary.

We have got some reports regarding wrong encoding, but all of them were related to WeasyPrint installed as Python library.

Could you please try to install WeasyPrint as Service and use this version of PDF-Exporter?

Indeed, I've built the extension on Windows as there's no .jar version of the extension available so had to build it myself. Thanks for trying to reproduce the problem.
I'll try to install WeasyPrint as service in docker and let you know as we were already using WeasyPrint's executable binary.
I'll let you know.
Anyway, thanks for your help !

all the binaries are available here:
you need this jar:

Oh nice !
Didn't get this point. Will keep on installing WeasyPrint in docker.
Thanks you for this one !

Problem with build on Windows is fixed in generic extension. So the fix will be included in the next PDF-Exporter release.

Hello @grigoriev,
Thank you very much for the fix.
Regarding WeasyPrint running as a service in docker, i managed to get it running on my personal instance of Polarion but couldn't set it up on the production server as it's already running on a VM and the IT manager is currently on holiday.
I'll try with the next release to if that works. I close the issue for the moment.
Anyway, thank you very much for your availability and your reactivity. Have a nice day !

Hello @Pikoon,
it's fixed with PDF-Exporter v5.7.2.
and now you are able to download the produced artifacts directly from Release: for example here