
Incorrect integration results depending on integration bounds, using quadgk directly works

cpf-work opened this issue · 1 comments

This comes from obtaining electron densities in a density of states given a chemical potential eta. Here's a MWE which shows the issue

using Integrals
using QuadGK
using Plots

function integrand(E::Real, eta::Real)
    return exp(-E^2/2) / (sqrt(2π) * (exp(E-eta) + 1))

function using_quadgk(eta::Real, lim::Real)
    iq(x) = integrand(x, eta)
    res, err = quadgk(iq, -lim, lim)
    return res

function using_integrals(eta::Real, lim::Real)
    ip = IntegralProblem(integrand, -lim, lim, eta)
    return solve(ip, QuadGKJL())[1]

er = LinRange(-30, 2, 200)
lim = 100
plot(er, using_quadgk.(er, lim), yscale=:log10, label="QuadGK")
plot!(er, using_integrals.(er, lim), yscale=:log10, label="Integrals")


lim = 1000
plot(er, using_quadgk.(er, lim), yscale=:log10, label="QuadGK")
plot!(er, using_integrals.(er, lim), yscale=:log10, label="Integrals")


The function should be smooth, so the calculation from Integrals.jl doesn't make sense. I've also tested other solver algorithms, but they give me also wrong results in varying degree.

Julia 1.6.6
Integrals v3.0.2

It is because the tolerances default to different values.
This works:

using Integrals
using QuadGK
using Plots

function integrand(E::Real, eta::Real)
    return exp(-E^2/2) / (sqrt(2π) * (exp(E-eta) + 1))

function using_quadgk(eta::Real, lim::Real)
    iq(x) = integrand(x, eta)
    res, err = quadgk(iq, -lim, lim)
    return res

function using_integrals(eta::Real, lim::Real)
    ip = IntegralProblem(integrand, -lim, lim, eta)
    return solve(ip, QuadGKJL();abstol=0.0)[1]

er = LinRange(-30, 2, 200)
lim = 100
plot(er, using_quadgk.(er, lim), yscale=:log10, label="QuadGK");
plot!(er, using_integrals.(er, lim), yscale=:log10, label="Integrals")

It is not unsurprising that the integral evaluates wrongly when it is a very small number unless you put the abstol to also be incredibly small.