
Adjoint method docstrings

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the explanation of the chunk size keyword does not make sense, it mentions autojacvec=false,
but autojacvec=false corresponds to false: the Jacobian is constructed via FiniteDiff.jl.
The autodiff keyword seems superfluous given the autojacvec = true option: true: the Jacobian is constructed via ForwardDiff.jl

help?> QuadratureAdjoint()
  QuadratureAdjoint{CS, AD, FDT, VJP} <: AbstractAdjointSensitivityAlgorithm{CS, AD, FDT}

  An implementation of adjoint sensitivity analysis which develops a full continuous solution of the reverse solve in order to perform a post-ODE quadrature. This method requires the dense solution and will ignore saving arguments during the gradient
  calculation. The tolerances in the constructor control the inner quadrature.

  This method is O(n^3 + p) for stiff / implicit equations (as opposed to the O((n+p)^3) scaling of BacksolveAdjoint and InterpolatingAdjoint), and thus is much more compute efficient. However, it requires holding a dense reverse pass and is thus memory


  QuadratureAdjoint(; chunk_size = 0, autodiff = true,
      diff_type = Val{:central},
      autojacvec = nothing, abstol = 1e-6,
      reltol = 1e-3)

  Keyword Arguments

    •  autodiff: Use automatic differentiation for constructing the Jacobian if the Jacobian needs to be constructed. Defaults to true.

    •  chunk_size: Chunk size for forward-mode differentiation if full Jacobians are built (autojacvec=false and autodiff=true). Default is 0 for automatic choice of chunk size.

    •  diff_type: The method used by FiniteDiff.jl for constructing the Jacobian if the full Jacobian is required with autodiff=false.

    •  autojacvec: Calculate the vector-Jacobian product (J'*v) via automatic differentiation with special seeding. The total set of choices are:nothing: uses an automatic algorithm to automatically choose the vjp. This is the default and recommended for most users.
       • false: the Jacobian is constructed via FiniteDiff.jl
       • true: the Jacobian is constructed via ForwardDiff.jl
       • TrackerVJP: Uses Tracker.jl for the vjp.
       • ZygoteVJP: Uses Zygote.jl for the vjp.
       • EnzymeVJP: Uses Enzyme.jl for the vjp.
       • ReverseDiffVJP(compile=false): Uses ReverseDiff.jl for the vjp. compile is a boolean for whether to precompile the tape, which should only be done if there are no branches (if or while statements) in the f function.

    •  abstol: absolute tolerance for the quadrature calculation

    •  reltol: relative tolerance for the quadrature calculation

  For more details on the vjp choices, please consult the sensitivity algorithms documentation page or the docstrings of the vjp types.

The autodiff keyword seems superfluous given the autojacvec = true option: true: the Jacobian is constructed via ForwardDiff.jl

I'm not sure that's correct. I think you need autojacvec false and then it looks at autodiff? I'd check the code and fix the docstring to that.