
Define an activation function using a differential equation

RohanRajagopal opened this issue · 4 comments

Is there a way to define an activation function using a differential equation to train a recurrent neural network, (sequence $in$, sequence $out$)?

For instance use the following differential equation as activation function, where input to it is $I_{ext}(t)$, where $I_{ext}(t) = \sum w_{i} x_i(t)$, and gradients are calculated with respect to the weight $W = (w_i)_{i=1}^N$.

function hopf_oscillator(du, u, p, t)
	@unpack ω_h, μ, ω_ext, I0, W = p
	signal = repeat([cos.(ω_ext * t)], 10)
	Iext = W' * signal
	du[1] = u[1] * (μ - u[1]^2) + I0 * Iext * cos(u[2])
	du[2] = ω_h - I0 * cos(ω_ext*t) * sin(u[2])/u[1]

u0_h = [.1, .1]
p_h = ComponentArray(ω_h = 1., μ = 1., ω_ext = 1, I0 = 1, W = rand(10))
prob_h = ODEProblem(hopf_oscillator, u0_h, dt = 0.1, tspan, p_h)

The gradients can be calculated using the following, I think.

dp_h = Zygote.gradients(objective_function, p_h) 
         (or perhaps, dp_h = Zygote.jacobian(objective_function, p_h)

Calculate $loss$ using an objective function (for eg $Mean Squared Error$), and back propagate that error to update $W$ in theis simplest case.

While the question posited is still vague I suppose, any nudge in the direction towards achieving this is deeply appreciated. Thank you very much.

What did you try? I don't see what the issue would be.

This is what i have currently, if I have a single node with with $hopf$ _ $oscillator$ as the activation function receiving some five dimensional input, it can be achieved by doing this?

tspan = (0, 200)
time_steps = collect(1:1:10)

function hopf_oscillator(du, u, p, t)
	@unpack W = p
	ω_h = 1.
	μ = 1.
	ω_ext = 1
	I0 = 0.1
	w_rand = rand(5)
	signal = [cos.(i*t) for i in 1:5] 
	Iext = W' * signal
	du[1] = u[1] * (μ - u[1]^2) + I0 * Iext * cos(u[2])
	du[2] = ω_h - I0 * Iext * sin(u[2])/u[1]

I understand that the feedforward 'signal' reaching this node have to be interpolated to be made compatible with the solver.

u0_h = [.1, .1]
p_h = ComponentArray(W = rand(5))

prob_h = ODEProblem(hopf_oscillator, u0_h, dt = 0.1, tspan, p_h)

function gradients_hopf_with_loss_function(p)
	_prob = remake(prob_h, u0 = u0_h, tspan = (0.0, 20.0), p = p)
	sol = solve(_prob, Rosenbrock23(), saveat = time_steps)
	theta = sol[2,:]
        D =  cos.(time_steps)
	r = sol[1, end]
	x = r*cos.(theta) .- D
	sum(abs2, x)  #loss function

for i in 1:50
	dp_h = Zygote.gradient(gradients_hopf_with_loss_function, p_h)
	for j in 1:length(p_h)
		p_h[j] = p_h[j] - 0.1 * dp_h[1][j]

And very much so the loss reduces. Is this right?

Thank you very much for your time.

I don't get the question. That is working right?

Yes! I just wanted to confirm if I was doing it right. Thank you very much.

Now I need to dress it in Lux if thats possible.

Thank you very much.