
WARNING: Method definition overwritten

prbzrg opened this issue · 4 comments

julia> using SciMLSensitivity
WARNING: Method definition adjoint(ZygoteRules.AContext, typeof(ZygoteRules.literal_getproperty), SciMLBase.EnsembleSolution{T, N, S} where S where N where T, Base.Val{:u}) in module DiffEqBase overwritten in module SciMLBaseZygoteExt.
WARNING: Method definition _pullback(ZygoteRules.AContext, typeof(Core.kwcall), Any, typeof(ZygoteRules.literal_getproperty), SciMLBase.EnsembleSolution{T, N, S} where S where N where T, Base.Val{:u}) in module DiffEqBase at C:\Users\Hossein Pourbozorg\.julia\packages\ZygoteRules\4nXuu\src\adjoint.jl:74 overwritten in module SciMLBaseZygoteExt on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).
WARNING: Method definition _pullback(ZygoteRules.AContext, typeof(ZygoteRules.literal_getproperty), SciMLBase.EnsembleSolution{T, N, S} where S where N where T, Base.Val{:u}) in module DiffEqBase at C:\Users\Hossein Pourbozorg\.julia\packages\ZygoteRules\4nXuu\src\adjoint.jl:65 overwritten in module SciMLBaseZygoteExt on the same line (check for duplicate calls to `include`).


I posted on Slack:

Chris Rackauckas
2 minutes ago
Anyone have open hands and wants to help with something? #927
1 reply

Chris Rackauckas
1 minute ago we should move all of the ZygoteRules and ChainRules which are only on SciMLBase types (I think that's all of them here?) into extensions in SciMLBase, like This would get rid of type piracy and is a simple change, but I was in the middle of it and dropped it

There are some rules from SciML/DiffEqFlux.jl#744

Should be fixed now.