
[Deprecation warnings] use `Base.getindex(A, :, i)` instead. & Change `A[i]` to `A.u[i]`

prbzrg opened this issue · 5 comments

By new versions, I am getting:

┌ Warning: `Base.getindex(A::AbstractDiffEqArray, i::Int)` is deprecated, use `Base.getindex(A, :, i)` instead.


└ @ SciMLSensitivity C:\Users\Hossein Pourbozorg\.julia\packages\SciMLSensitivity\4Ah3r\src\sensitivity_interface.jl:432
└ @ SciMLSensitivity C:\Users\Hossein Pourbozorg\.julia\packages\SciMLSensitivity\4Ah3r\src\concrete_solve.jl:441
└ @ SciMLSensitivity C:\Users\Hossein Pourbozorg\.julia\packages\SciMLSensitivity\4Ah3r\src\sensitivity_interface.jl:438
└ @ SciMLSensitivity C:\Users\Hossein Pourbozorg\.julia\packages\SciMLSensitivity\4Ah3r\src\sensitivity_interface.jl:440


┌ Warning: Linear indexing of `AbstractVectorOfArray` is deprecated. Change `A[i]` to `A.u[i]`


└ @ SciMLSensitivity C:\Users\Hossein Pourbozorg\.julia\packages\SciMLSensitivity\4Ah3r\src\sensitivity_interface.jl:438
└ @ SciMLSensitivity C:\Users\Hossein Pourbozorg\.julia\packages\SciMLSensitivity\4Ah3r\src\sensitivity_interface.jl:440

There are some others too in the CI.

Yes, there's a lot of updates to do for RAT v3

As a user that is getting this warning, how do I make it go away?

Set depwarns to error, i.e. julia --depwarn=no, and then change the spot where it errors to sol.u[i] instead of sol[i].