(Crossposting Issue) Installing Plotlykt-Core as dependency causes project build to fail (without any new code added)
CaptainZidgel opened this issue · 7 comments
I have a Kotlin/JS for browser targeted program that builds fine how it is, until I add Plotlykt as a Gradle dependency. This causes one of my files, which contains Kotlinx Serialization, to fail to compile. I created an issue report for the Kotlinx Serialization repo first, but nothing suggests the issue is necessarily on that end.
Please see this issue for a detailed error:
and this project for a reproducible error (contains everything from the Intellij project to the Build Script):
I hope this finds you well, please let me know if there are any other details I can give you.
Thank you for your report. The current version is not compatible with 1.4 and new serialization. I will fix it shortly. Right now you can stick with 1.3.72 or try to remove transitive dependency on serialization runtime. I will add appropriate warning to the readme. You also do not need serialization itself to run plotly.kt. it only uses json API, not the plugin.
Thank you for the swift response.
I will try to convert my project to 1.3.7 code and dependencies that support 1.3.7 (I did not add Serialization as an imagined dependency for Plotly, I need it for my project). If I cannot do that, I will shelve the project until Plotlykt supports 1.4 or I can find another JS-capable Kotlin plotting library.
1.3.72 should work (alongside with serialization 0.20.0). The demo project is here: https://github.com/mipt-npm/plotly.kt/tree/master/js-demo.
I will make a dev build with 1.4 in a few days. All the necessary libraries are already converted. But you should remember that kotlin-js broken compatibility on 1.4 and pre-1.4 libraries are in general not compatible with post - 1.4 libraries. I've added a compatibility note to address the problem.
@CaptainZidgel I've updated the dependencies, but sadly I get https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-39088 on JS compilation, so we will have to wait for 1.4.20. You can safely use the current version with 1.3.72.
Thank you for your help!
@CaptainZidgel The bug prevention Plotly core from working was fixed in 1.4.20, so we will migrate as soon as EAPs are out. For now just use 1.3.72.
https://github.com/mipt-npm/plotly.kt/releases/tag/v0.3.0-dev-3 is published. It requires Kotlin eap build, but works fine otherwise.