
How to use the repo to convert some Python code?

zydjohnHotmail opened this issue · 1 comments

I have the following Python code to convert one RGB image to one YUV image, and use numpy to calculate an average of one column.

`import cv2
import numpy as np

img_rgb = cv2.imread('C:/Images/1.PNG')
img_yuv = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb,cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)
averageV = np.average(img_yuv[:,:,2])

The Python code works well. Now, I want to change it to use C# code, as I have many other C# programs will need this averageV value.

I have done the following:

  1. I created one C# console project with Visual Studio 2019 (target .NET 5.0)
  2. I installed necessary NUGET packages:
    PM> Install-Package OpenCvSharp4 -Version
    PM> Install-Package NumSharp -Version 0.30.0
  3. I have the following C# code:
    `using NumSharp;
    using OpenCvSharp;
    using System;

namespace ConvertRGB2YUV
class Program
public const string Image1_File = @"C:\Images\1.PNG";

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Mat img_rgb = Cv2.ImRead(Image1_File);
        Mat img_yuv = img_rgb.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.RGB2YUV);
        //var averageV = (img_yuv[:,:,2]);
        //averageV = np.average(img_yuv[:,:, 2])


I can run my code, and I can see the image: img_rgb and img_yuv.
But I have no idea on how to write the python corresponding statement:
averageV = np.average(img_yuv[:,:,2])
In NumSharp, the img_yuv[…] simply doesn’t exist.
In Python, the img_yuv is treated like an array of float numbers.
How I can do this in NumSharp?
Please advise,

C# doesn't support this kind of indices or slices. I guess you can explore the NumSharp.Slice class to reach your target.