
np_array.convolve returning Null

dklein9500 opened this issue · 4 comments

I am using this function to smooth some measurement data, sadly it returns null for some reason.
Here is the example code that produced the same result:

int filter_length = 5;
List<double> data = new List<double>() {1, 34, 3, 4, 22, 4, 24, 42, 24, 22, 4 };  // Just some random numbers for testing
var array = data.ToArray();
NDArray np_array = new NDArray(array);
var filter = np.ones(filterLength);
NDArray filtered_array = np_array.convolve(filter, "same");   // Here null is returned

There is probably a better way to construct the NDArray, but I think the code should still work.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!

This is because someone put "return null" a few lines down in the code:

public NDArray convolve(NDArray rhs, string mode = "full")
          var lhs = this;
          int nf = lhs.shape[0];
          int ng = rhs.shape[0];

          if (ndim > 1 || rhs.ndim > 1)
              throw new IncorrectShapeException();
          var retType = np._FindCommonType(lhs, rhs);
          return null;

That's enough to guarantee you get null every time. Who knows if the rest of the code ever worked.

Also facing this problem.
Have any idea if this function was in working condition before?

This function works when it is rewritten, leading me to believe it did work before. Here is the function as I rewrote it -- verified against the python version. Sorry for my comments.

public static class NumpyExtensions

    // NOTE: lhs must always be bigger than rhs --
    public static NDArray LinearConvolution(this NDArray lhs, NDArray rhs, ConvolveModes mode = ConvolveModes.Full)
        if (lhs.ndim > 1 || rhs.ndim > 1)
            throw new IncorrectShapeException("Both arrays must be 1-dimensional");

        if (lhs.Shape.Size < rhs.Shape.Size)
            throw new IncorrectShapeException("Right-hand side array must be smaller than left-hand side.");

        // NOTE:
        // NDArray.GetData just runs NDArray.Storage.GetData
        // which returns NDArray.Storage.InternalArray == NDArray.Array
        // so all three methods are practically interchangeable so why they had to make things complicated is beyond me

        ArraySlice<double> lhsarr = lhs.GetData<double>();
        ArraySlice<double> rhsarr = rhs.GetData<double>();

        int nf = lhs.shape[0];
        int ng = rhs.shape[0];

        switch (mode)
            case ConvolveModes.Full:
                    int n = nf + ng - 1;

                    NDArray<double> ret = new NDArray<double>(Shape.Vector(n), true);
                    ArraySlice<double> outArray = ret.GetData<double>();

                    for (int idx = 0; idx < n; ++idx)
                        int jmn = (idx >= ng - 1) ? (idx - (ng - 1)) : 0;
                        int jmx = (idx < nf - 1) ? idx : nf - 1;

                        for (int jdx = jmn; jdx <= jmx; ++jdx)
                            outArray[idx] += lhsarr[jdx] * rhsarr[idx - jdx];

                    return ret;

            case ConvolveModes.Valid:
                    var min_v = (nf < ng) ? lhsarr : rhsarr;
                    var max_v = (nf < ng) ? rhsarr : lhsarr;

                    int n = Math.Max(nf, ng) - Math.Min(nf, ng) + 1;

                    var ret = new NDArray(typeof(double), Shape.Vector(n), true);
                    ArraySlice<double> outArray = ret.GetData<double>();

                    for (int idx = 0; idx < n; ++idx)
                        int kdx = idx;

                        for (int jdx = (min_v.Count - 1); jdx >= 0; --jdx)
                            outArray[idx] += min_v[jdx] * max_v[kdx];

                    return ret;

            case ConvolveModes.Same:
                    var npad = rhs.shape[0] - 1;

                    if (npad % 2 == 1)
                            npad = (int)Math.Floor(((double)npad) / 2.0);

                            ArraySlice<double> arr = ArraySlice<double>.Allocate(npad + lhsarr.Count);
                            Span<double> span = new Span<double>(arr.VoidAddress, arr.Count);
                            lhsarr.CopyTo(span, npad);
                            var retnd = new NDArray(new UnmanagedStorage(arr, Shape.Vector(lhsarr.Count)));
                            return retnd.LinearConvolution(rhs, ConvolveModes.Valid);
                        throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot implement because NDArray.Address is protected.");
                        // I suppose we could extend NDArray and create a getter for Address
                        //    unsafe
                        //    {
                        //        npad = npad / 2;

                        //        NPTypeCode retType = NPTypeCode.Double;
                        //        NDArray puffer = new NDArray(retType, Shape.Vector(npad + lhsarr.Count), true);
                        //        ArraySlice<double> puffslice = puffer.Data<double>(); // not sure this is equal to storage
                        //        Span<double> span = new Span<double>(puffslice.VoidAddress, puffslice.Count);
                        //        //lhsarr.CopyTo(puffer.Storage.AsSpan <#202>(), npad);
                        //        lhsarr.CopyTo(span, npad);
                        //        NDArray np1New = puffer;

                        //        puffer = new NDArray(retType, Shape.Vector(npad + np1New.size), true);
                        //        int cpylen = np1New.size * sizeof(double);
                        //        Buffer.MemoryCopy(np1New.Address, (double)puffer.Address) + npad, cpylen, cpylen);
                        //        return puffer.convolve(rhs, "valid");
                        //    }
                return lhs.LinearConvolution(rhs);
public enum ConvolveModes

Hello abbefus,

Thanks a lot. That's quite a good code example.
Just one more bit of help. Seems my files are not up to date as there are some resources not available in my SliceAndDice install:

Can you please show me where to get the proper version where these methods may be found?

Thank you very much.