
SIGTERM issue with BackgroundService

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am encountering a problem with Numpy.NET used inside a BackgroundService. I am using .NET 5.0.

Basically, my background service is handling the CancellationToken that will be set to a cancel state when SIGTERM is sent to the program (e.g. CTRL+C is pressed on the console).

Here is a very minimal skeleton of the application:

static async Task Main(string[] args)
	var builder = CreateHostBuilder();
	await builder.RunConsoleAsync();		

private static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder()
	return new HostBuilder()
		.ConfigureServices(services =>

public class MyService : BackgroundService
	protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
		while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
			np.arange(1); // Removing this line allows to handle SIGTERM as expected
			await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300));

When I press CTRL+C, the cancellation token is not cancelled at all! I think that Numpy is handling SIGTERM instead, and so the application is no longer able to shutdown as expected.
I tried initializing the PythonEngine manually but I think the default initialization is already passing the proper parameters (because the flag initSigs is false by default).

Can you please let me know your thoughts?

Many thanks!


henon commented

I suspect the SIGTERM is handled in pythonnet code, right?

At this point I think so, but I thought that leaving initSigs to false in the initialization of the PythonEngine was enough...

henon commented

I think you should make a repro of the issue with a simple pythonnet program (without using Numpy.NET to prove that the issue is in fact a pure pythonnet problem) and open an issue on the pythonnet repo.

Makes sense, thanks for your reply. I'll close this here.