
How can i insert an array List as input of my neural network?

kunaca opened this issue · 0 comments

I have multiples inputs , but most of them are List array and i dont know how can i configure my neural network to accept list array as an input.
Here i have a example XOR(but the inputs are just floats and i cant change to List array):

using SiaNet;
using SiaNet.Data;
using SiaNet.Engine;
using SiaNet.Events;
using SiaNet.Layers;
using System;

namespace Sia_XOR
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//1º- Setup Engine
Global.UseEngine(SiaNet.Backend.ArrayFire.SiaNetBackend.Instance, DeviceType.CPU);

        //2º -Prep Data
        var (x, y) = PrepDataset();
        DataFrameIter trainSet = new DataFrameIter(x, y);

        //Build model with simple fully connected layers
        var model = new Sequential();
        model.EpochEnd += Model_EpochEnd;
        model.Add(new Dense(64, ActType.ReLU));
        model.Add(new Dense(1, ActType.Sigmoid));

        //Compile with Optimizer, Loss and Metric
        model.Compile(OptimizerType.SGD, LossType.MeanSquaredError, MetricType.BinaryAccurary);
        // Train for 1000 epoch with batch size of 2
        model.Train(trainSet, epochs: 300, batchSize: 2);

        //Create prediction data to evaluate
        DataFrame2D predX = new DataFrame2D(2);
        predX.Load(0, 0, 0, 1); //Result should be 0 and 1
        var rawPred = model.Predict(predX);

    #region DataSet

    private static (DataFrame2D, DataFrame2D) PrepDataset()
        // We will prepare XOR gate dataset which will be treated as classification problem.
        // More about this:
        DataFrame2D x = new DataFrame2D(2);
        x.Load(new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 });

        DataFrame2D y = new DataFrame2D(1);
        y.Load(new float[] { 0, 1, 1, 0 });
        return (x, y);


    private static void Model_EpochEnd(object sender, EpochEndEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Epoch: {0}, Loss: {1}, Metric: {2}", e.Epoch, e.Loss, e.Metric);
