
Split out UI and server into separate R files

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Split out UI and server into separate R files

I put the split script files (called server.R and ui.R) into a folder inside www called appScripts.
We can run the app from either of the scripts using the "Run App" button, or run the app from anywhere using the following command: runApp(<path from working directory>/appScripts").

I also deleted the original app.R file to hopefully avoid confusion.

This generated a bunch of new errors for me:

  106: eval
  105: eval
  104: %>%
  103: eventReactiveHandler [/Users/stephen.wood/Box Sync/Work/Code/Midwest-Agriculture-Synthesis/www/appScripts/server.R#21]
   59: df0
   58: observeEventExpr
    1: runApp
Warning: Error in eval: object 'summary_all' not found
  106: eval
  105: eval
  104: %>%
  103: eventReactiveHandler [/Users/stephen.wood/Box Sync/Work/Code/Midwest-Agriculture-Synthesis/www/appScripts/server.R#21]
   59: df0
   58: observeEventExpr
    1: runApp

Are you getting those as well?