
Kraid and Omega Pirate multiplayer issues

Opened this issue · 1 comments

After testing on multiplayer and off of multiplayer, Kraid would not open his mouth when hit inside multiplayer. Instead, it would just stay closed despite hitting him in the head, and when closed we weren't able to do more than 1 damage (we just started hardmode, got the ores, and summoned the boss). In singleplayer, he opens his mouth when hit in the head just fine. He also would not despawn when we all died against him, instead just floating into the ground until we respawned, and then slowing moving back up to the surface. When he made it the surface, he was only a head, and floated to outer space!

For the Omega Pirate in multiplayer, we are able to damage him and make him fall over to do damage, but he remains invincible and we weren't able to do any damage to him. We went through his entire movement cycle 4 times and no chance to damage him at all. The pirate's electric phazon slam attack is also bugged in multiplayer. In singleplayer, it creates a giant shockwave, but in multiplayer, it does barely anything!

That happened to me and my friend too :(