
Require the Draggable Axis lines on all the graphs same like Shared Axes?

kareem469 opened this issue · 5 comments

Require the Draggable Axis lines on all the graphs same like Shared axes?

ScottPlot Version:5.0.34

How to achieve the Draggable Axis lines on all the graphs when lines are moved on any one of the graph same like Shared Axes?

Thanks in Advance.

Hi @kareem469, I think you can achieve this using events. Something like "when the axis line of graph 1 is dragged, set the position of graph 2's axis line to be the same, then refresh graph 2". I'll close this issue since I think that's enough to answer the question, but if you're unable to figure it out from there let me know and we can open this back up and see about creating a code sample.


Hi @swharden, thanks for the quick reply again.

I tried it for 5 graphs, but the lines are working for individual graphs not for all the graphs as required.

Can you please provide the sample code for the above requirement to work 👆

Can you please provide the sample code for the above requirement to work 👆

Hi @kareem469, I marked this issue high priority but there are good number of open high priority issues and I typically resolve them bottom to top so it may take a little while before I'm able to get to this one