
Adding Signal Data to a Graph in ScottPlot

bulent017 opened this issue · 3 comments

When adding real-time data to Plotter, it always receives it as an array or list. When I add real-time data to Plotter, I do not add it one by one. So I need to create and add a Signal data. Can I do this? I looked at all Chart types.

double[] data = .....
Does ScottPlot just create a signal data and plot it on the graph?

No, I looked at the examples here and the github repo. When drawing signals on the graph, it always takes either an array or a list. I am giving an example, I want to do it like plotter.Add.Signal(signal1) after Signal signal1 = new Signal(). But I couldn't find any code example like this. I have looked at the links you gave many times.

Hi @bulent017, thanks for following up! I read your original question again and your latest comment and I think the issue is that I do not understand your question.

I want to do it like plotter.Add.Signal(signal1) after Signal signal1 = new Signal().

Maybe something like this can help?

Signal signal1 = new Signal();