
How to set Axes Boundaries in Ver 5.0

kareem469 opened this issue · 1 comments

How to set Axes Boundaries in Ver 5.0:

ScottPlot Version:5.0.34

Unable to identify the following properties in Ver 5.0

// disable zooming out farther than 0 to +50 horizontally or -1 to +1 vertically
formsPlot1.Plot.XAxis.SetBoundary(0, 50);
formsPlot1.Plot.YAxis.SetBoundary(-1, 1);
// disable zooming in closer than 10 to 20 horizontally or 0.1 to 0.2 vertically
formsPlot1.Plot.XAxis.SetInnerBoundary(10, 20);
formsPlot1.Plot.YAxis.SetInnerBoundary(0.1, 0.2);

// disable left-click-drag pan
formsPlot1.Configuration.Pan = false;
// disable right-click-drag zoom
formsPlot1.Configuration.Zoom = false;
// disable scroll wheel zoom
formsPlot1.Configuration.ScrollWheelZoom = false;
// disable middle-click-drag zoom window
formsPlot1.Configuration.MiddleClickDragZoom = false;