
Replace image within symbol

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Thanks for this plugin, I use it a lot and it saves me so much time!

I was wondering if there are any plans on supporting replacement of image fills within symbol? It would be awesome to paste an image as an override here:

screen shot 2016-06-28 at 09 38 46

Hey, good point. I didn't realize this wasn't working. I'll try and have a look if this is possible to do!

utom commented

@tdemooij also select override and cmd + v!

Many thanks for this plugin from me as well! I would love to be able to use symbols with this plugin!

@pawelkontek Do you mean pasting the image from your clipboard to a symbol instance, so as an override?

@ScottSavarie I mean exactly what the @tdemooij and @utom expressed. Is it even possible?

@pawelkontek I think Utom's workaround is great. I could probably figure out how to paste it into a symbol as an override, but the question would be what happens when you have more than 1 layer with an image fill? What would you expect to happen? The first one in the list get the image fill? All of the layers get the image fill?