
[Bug]: Cooldown Tier and interval bug

KuroiNekOo opened this issue · 0 comments

Bug description

Hey, help please {BUG}

Another problem is that when the spawner is cluttered, the timer behind it continues, so when the spawner is no longer cluttered, the diamond will spawner without taking the visual timer into account, and it will spawner at any time.

In fact, the diamond will always appear with the correct interval, but without taking into account the visual timer, but rather the one that has continued to count down behind it.

This problem also applies to emeralds,


BedWars dump (can be obtained via /bw dump)

Console log


Additional information

Version server: 1.20.1 (PaperSpigot) (Build 97)
Version plugin: 0.2.29
Version addon SBA: 1.5.10


Capture d’écran 2023-09-11 à 13 09 11

Rec complet :
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For the moment I'm just trying with spigot in 1.19.4 because with paper 1.19.4 I'm getting a lot of errors in the console that mean I can't start the server, I'm not sure why but it doesn't cost me anything to test.

So I tested by creating an arena with the basic documentation and without changing anything in SBA or BW and there's the Tier timer error which isn't respected, so I don't think it's due to the configuration because I haven't changed anything and it's a new server in 1.19.4. So the Tier cooldown resets visually when the spawner is no longer cluttered, but behind the cooldown is still engaged and so the item will spawn out of sync.

The same applies to clutter, which is not always respected.

But I think the limits of spawner full are not respected because of the background recharge time, which continues to work despite spawner full.