
Project Description

In this unit, coders will work in groups to build a project using HTML, CSS, React. Their task is to build out the front-end for a Kahoot style question game that displays a question and the possible answers, allows a user to choose answer and determine whether they are right or wrong.


Day 1: React Components and props

Goal 1: Render a question from sample_data.json on the screen.

  • In App.jsx, create a Question component.
  • Render an instance of <Question /> inside of <App />.
  • Add props to <Question /> with the text "Question goes here".
  • In <App />, add a variable to set the current question number to 0.
  • Replace "Question goes here" with the question.text field found in data for the first question.
    • HINT: Use the question number variable you just wrote.
  • BONUS: Add styling to your app.

Day 1.0 goal

Goal 2: Render a "Next Question" button on the screen.

  • In App.jsx, create a NextQuestion component.
  • Write the JSX to display a button for the user to click for the next question. (It will not work yet.)
  • Render an instance of <NextQuestion /> inside of <App />.

Day 1.5 goal

Day 2: Nested components and state

Goal 1: Render the answer choices from sample_data.json on the screen.

  • In App.jsx, create an Answer component.
  • Render an instance of <Answer /> inside of <Question />.
  • Add props to <Answer /> with the text "Answer goes here".
    • Pass props for the answer choices into <Question />.
    • Use those props to render the Answer components inside <Question /> to display the answer choices.
  • Refactor to use map to map over all answer choices.

Day 2.0 goal

Goal 2: Render a button on the screen that reveals the correct answer when clicked.

  • Using useState in <App />, create a boolean state variable called answerDisplayed to keep track of whether the correct answer is shown.
  • Add a button to the App component that will update the state to display the correct answer when it is clicked.
  • Create an onClick function that sets the state to display the correct answer choice when your button is clicked.
    • HINT: Access the correct answer choice using sample_data.json.

Day 2.5 goal - unanswered Day 2.5 goal - answered

Day 3: Event handlers

Goal 1: Add functionality to your "Next Question" button so that it renders the next question when clicked.

  • Add state to <App /> using the useState React hook to keep track of the current question number.
    • Replace the current question number variable that you wrote in Day 1.
  • Create a function that updates the state to the next question number.
  • Make a prop on <NextQuestion /> to pass the prop down to the button element to call that function when the button is clicked.
  • Check that every part of your question and answer updates to reflect the current question number.
  • Reset the state of answerDisplayed when the Next Question button is clicked so the correct answer stops being displayed.
  • BONUS: Add conditional rendering to hide <NextQuestion /> when there are no more next questions.

Day 3.0 goal Day 3.0 with bonus

Goal 2: Add functionality so that when the user clicks on an answer choice, the correct answer appears.

  • Using useState in <App />, create a state variable to keep track of which answer choice the user clicks.
    • Inside the map function for the Answer components, add an event handler that updates the state to be the choice that the user clicks.
    • HINT: Use props to pass down the state from <App />.
    • HINT: Don't forget to pass your onClick down as a prop as well.
  • Inside <App /> (below state and above return), write a conditional that checks if the answer clicked is the correct answer.
    • Display text on the screen telling the user if their answer choice was correct.
    • Display text on the screen telling the user what the correct answer was.
    • HINT: To do this, you should create a variable and display that variable inside your return statement.
    • BONUS: Use template literals instead of string concatenation.

Goal 3: Sort your Trivia app into separate files and import/export the components.

  • Create a new .js file inside the components folder for each of your components.
  • Move the code for your components into their new files.
  • Add an export to each of your components.
  • Import all of your components into the correct files.

Day 3.5 correct Day 3.5 wrong


  • Make a timer that resets the game when the timer runs out.
  • Make a counter that keeps track of how many times you've guessed the correct answer.
  • Change the color of the answer buttons when the user guesses. For example turn the button with the correct answer to green.
  • Make it a two player game.
  • Anything else you want!