Prefix is needed for attribute
Closed this issue · 1 comments
If we use id, name or class for target element the orginal element ( for exemple will be targeted.
Like this
$('.myinput') will target generated input AND the orginal element.
It's worse with id (see my request) because jquery stop on first id founded.
(yep, never too late :))
I don't think adding IDs inside PrestUI is a good idea. If you want to add an ID, it's better to have it on the riot tag, and then access the child you want:
$('#my-tag input[name=title]')
For the classes, this is the same. You are not supposed to customize the content of the tag. If you really need to, you can add an ID or a class on the riot tag and add your CSS/JS depending on that.
Finally, for the name, is it really such a big issue? When you want to access an element by its name, it's better to add the input type before, like in my previous element, no?