
Writing priorities July 2019

Closed this issue · 3 comments

  • Truths and myths about process automation

  • Don't punish people for doing a better job (#75, also see #101)

  • Miswanting (#82)

  • Background of mathematical optimization and current/future opportunities

  • Why outsourcing your core competencies is a bad idea

  • When to keep vs. replace legacy systems (only Janis could work in this area)

  • What to automate vs. what the competency level must be to make it work

  • Case study: Billy's logistics project - may be a priority?

  • Forced updates and various elements of IT policy

  • Only seek innovation if it provides value - hard to write about

  • Discuss GDPR re data collection re NLP


  • Process automation page for digital site

Looks good

When to keep vs. replace legacy systems (only Janis could work in this area)

This may be worth deferring for now

I edited in a few of the associated github issue links

I think we should close this issue and create a newer writing priorities issue/project board.
Of the things in this list that are not complete I think " Background of mathematical optimization and current/future opportunities" would be a good thing to work on.