
More options on main panel: choose between formats and monitors

Q1CHENL opened this issue · 6 comments

Feature summary

  • It would be more convenient to have an option to choose between different formats directly on the main panel, rather than in the preferences, especially for switching between Video and GIF.

  • If multiple monitors are detected, then having an option to select which one to record before hitting the 'Record' button would be more convenient. From UX perspective, it's just smoother, in my opinion. Sometimes I need to record something immediately, but after clicking 'Record,' I still have to choose which monitor to record and decide whether I should set this as the default. This thinking process always bothers me a little.

But still, thank you for this really excellent app!

today i forgot to switch from gif back to mp4 to record a long video...🥲

SeaDve commented

I've been working on a new design that should partially fix this, and some more other issues. However, I don't think it's a good idea to put option to change format from the main window (but maybe from a sidebar?).

I'm gonna open a discussion soon so other can chime in


If multiple monitors are detected, then having an option to select which one to record before hitting the 'Record' button would be more convenient. From UX perspective, it's just smoother, in my opinion. Sometimes I need to record something immediately, but after clicking 'Record,' I still have to choose which monitor to record and decide whether I should set this as the default.

It should save the last selected monitor though, unless you clicked on the Reset button

I've been working on a new design that should partially fix this, and some more other issues. However, I don't think it's a good idea to put option to change format from the main window (but maybe from a sidebar?).
I'm gonna open a discussion soon so other can chime in

I just think having an overview of what exactly I am going to record(format, display etc) on the main panel would be convenient and clear. But maybe it's just my personal thoughts and do not apply to others :D But anyway a new discussion thread is appreciated! 👍

SeaDve commented

I have created the discussion: #263

SeaDve commented

Haven't merged the new UI yet, but the format and FPS are now visible on the main view.


Haven't merged the new UI yet, but the format and FPS are now visible on the main view.


Much appreciated!❤️