
Insert to mysql, can find data inserted in mysql but the method returns with Err(RecordNotFound("Failed to find inserted item")).

westYY123 opened this issue · 1 comments


hi, I am developing the backend of an app with axum and sea-orm, so there is a route to register a user, and insert the user to databse, i am using mysql as my database, but any time i call this route, it returns with Err(RecordNotFound("Failed to find inserted item")), however, i can find data in my database.

Steps to Reproduce

the below is the router

pub async fn register(
    State(app_data): State<Arc<AppData>>,
    Json(req): Json<RegisterRequest>,
) -> AppResult<Json<RegisterResponse>> {
    let res = user::insert_user(&app_data.mysql_client, req.username, req.password).await;
    // .map_err(|_| AppError::InternalError)?;
    Ok(Json(RegisterResponse { success: true }))

the below is the database operator, the res is Err(RecordNotFound("Failed to find inserted item")).

pub async fn insert_user(
    conn: &DatabaseConnection,
    username: String,
    password: String,
) -> AppResult<Model> {
    let existing_user = get_user(conn, &username)
        .map_err(|_| AppError::InternalError)?;
    match existing_user {
        Some(_) => Err(AppError::ExistingSameUsername),
        None => {
            let user = ActiveModel {
                id: Set("test-id".to_string()),
                username: Set(username),
                password: Set(password),

            let res = user.insert(conn).await;
            res.map_err(|_| AppError::InternalError)

Expected Behavior

returns the Model.

Actual Behavior

returns err Err(RecordNotFound("Failed to find inserted item"))

Reproduces How Often

every time


Reproducible Example


sqlx = "0.7"
sea-orm = { version = "0.12", features = [
] }