
transaction use probelm with state

joebnb opened this issue · 0 comments


im a new of rust and sea-rom, when i using axum as web server framework have some problem of it.

i using sea-orm connection as axum state of whole app.all was working fine,except transaction.

because it's mutable.but axum state to keep mutex state need RwLock, i think it's will affect performance of muti-thread.

axum mutable state docs:

    match query_data.unwrap() {
        Some(data) => {
            let transaction = &_state.conn.begin().await.unwrap(); // here is  &sea_orm::DatabaseTransaction

            let mut data::ActiveModel = data.into();

            let result =;
            transaction.commit().await; // here will throw cannot move out of `*transaction` which is behind a shared reference
// move occurs because `*transaction` has type `DatabaseTransaction`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait

            match result {
                Ok(_) => http::response_basic(Some("()".to_string()), None, None),
                Err(err) => http::response_500(Some(err.to_string())),
        None => http::response_500(Some("no update target found".to_owned())),
// if i change  line 3 to 
  let transaction = &_state.conn.begin().await.unwrap(); // if here is  &&mut sea_orm::DatabaseTransaction this type was not satisify 
// when do save will throw:
  let result =; // the trait bound `&mut DatabaseTransaction: ConnectionTrait` is not satisfied
// the trait `ConnectionTrait` is not implemented for `&mut DatabaseTransaction`

how to use transaction in this case,will it must make a Rwlock when do transaction to stop other thread to use connection ?

#2043 i dont know did this will help me