
`find_with_related` implicitly adds ordering on ``

Opened this issue · 3 comments

swwu commented


find_with_related implicitly adds an order by on the left table's id. This is extremely unintuitive; for instance:

  .order_by(LeftCol1, Order::Desc)
  .order_by(LeftCol2, Order::Desc)

generates a query that is ordered by (LeftId, LeftCol1, LeftCol2) rather than (LeftCol1, LeftCol2), as might be expected.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Write a query using find_with_related that includes an order_by after the find_with_related
  2. Either try to execute it, or .build(..).to_string() it
  3. Observe that the order clause has order by asc prepended to it

Expected Behavior

In the example case from the description, I would expect the ordering to be (LeftCol1, LeftCol2).

Actual Behavior

In the example case from the description, the actual ordering is (LeftId, LeftCol1, LeftCol2).

Reproduces How Often



Placing the order_by before the find_with_related, like so:

  .order_by(LeftCol1, Order::Desc)
  .order_by(LeftCol2, Order::Desc)

produces an ordering on (LeftCol1, LeftCol2, LeftId), which is acceptable. However, the fact that the query needs to be constructed in this manner is very non-obvious.

Reproducible Example

See description


├── sea-orm v0.12.15 (*)
├── sea-query v0.30.7 (*)
│   ├── sea-orm v0.12.15 (*)

in the past, the consolidator needs the query results to be ordered. this constrait was dropped in #1743 but the behaviour has not changed. removing the default order by is a break I want to avoid, but I agree users should be given the preference if they want to override the ordering

swwu commented

That makes sense. I think just calling attention in documentation to the fact that find_with_related introduces an ordering would be valuable for now, since the current behavior is very surprising.

The workaround I noted (placing the order_by calls before find_by_related) isn't terrible or anything—it's just not very intuitive—so maybe even a small note explaining it as an option would probably cover most ordering use cases for the time being.

I totally agree with you, would appreciate if you can make a PR on any of the points above