
Need to change our template asking for new third party software

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Please describe the feature/improvement you would like to see added.

Here is what the questions should be:

  • Purpose of using new SW ?
  • Location of the source code of new opensource SW ?
  • Did you evaluate existing SW and confirm they do not serve the purpose ? If yes, include the comparison. If no, why ?
  • Who is building it or how it gets built ? If yes, Which component/rpm will it be included ? i.e. name of the rpm which includes SW.
  • Download location of opensource software package ?
  • Who will be supporting this package ?
  • Is there a configuration required for this? Who will be configuring it ?
  • Which component is responsible for deploying on nodes ?
  • What is the licensing policy?
  • Are we modifying the software or just using it as-is?
  • How are we interfacing with this software? (e.g. command-line, static link, python import, dynamic link, etc)

Please explain why you think adding this feature/improvement is important.

Discussed this with @pmbickley and this is a better set of questions.

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Mukul Malhotra commented in Jira Server:


Mukul Malhotra commented in Jira Server:


Mukul Malhotra commented in Jira Server:
