
openSeaChest_Format: unknown option --showSupportedSectorSizes

zohourih opened this issue · 1 comments

Documentation for openSeaChest_Format mentions an option called --showSupportedSectorSizes. However, such option does not seem to exist any longer in the latest version of openSeaChest (v23.03.1). Is this supposed to be --showSupportedFormats now?

test:/opt/openSeaChest # ./openSeaChest_Format --device /dev/sg1 --showSupportedSectorSizes
openSeaChest_Format: unknown option -- showSupportedSectorSizes
openSeaChest_Format: Unable to parse --showSupportedSectorSizes command line option
Please use --help for more information.

test:/opt/openSeaChest # ./openSeaChest_Format | grep -i support
        openSeaChest_Format -d /dev/sg<#> --showSupportedFormats
        4 = Operation not supported

Hi @zohourih,

It should say --showSupportedFormats now as that option replaced the older --showSupportedSectorSizes.
I will fix the documentation.