
Print page number & sector count for read / write log verbosity output

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Please describe the feature/improvement you would like to see added.

For ata_Read_Log_Ext and ata_Write_Log_Ext, they will print verbosity output such as:

Sending ATA Write Log Ext DMA command - Log 00h

Could we have the page number and sector count also print out together with log page above?

Please explain why you think adding this feature/improvement is important.

This would ease the debugging with logs which has multiple pages.

I think this would be a good enhancement. I will work on adding this into the verbose output.

I added more verbose output for read and write log ext commands as well as many others I thought may also benefit from more information.
This is currently on a hotfix branch, but I will merge that into develop probably within a week when I do the new release build to pull in bug fixes and this enhancement.
I will leave this open until it has been merged to develop.

Closing since this has been merged to the develop branch.

Please reopen this or create a new issue if you need me to address this further.