
Question: Post header - X min read, Suggest an Edit, Issue? Question?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

W0GER commented

Sean --

What plug-in (or how) are you using to generate the post header?


4 minute read | Suggest an edit | Issue? Question?

@W0GER I use the minimal-mistakes theme for the blog. They have an include file that I override. In the _includes folder, you'll see there's a post__meta__witheditlinks.html. I added the links in there (a modified version of a file from the theme). I then also updated the page__hero.html include to use that instead of a reference to post__meta. I added it as an override in the single.html page in _layouts as well.

Going to close this now, but let me know here if you have any further questions and I'm happy to help!

W0GER commented

Thanks, that gives me the pointers to figure out how to bring it into my theme.