- React
- Node
- DatumBox Sentiment API
- Google Sentiment API
Analyze tweet sentiment using an username or hashtag using two sentiment APIs. I originally created this app a couple years ago but it is tested on:
Node 12.18.2 Npm 6.14.7
The live app is running on Herkoku and can be tried out at: https://salty-journey-93853.herokuapp.com/
In order to run this app, you will need to sign up for the following free APIs:
The Datumbox Machine Learning API: https://www.datumbox.com/machine-learning-api/
The Google Natural Language Processing API: https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/docs/basics
The Twitter API https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs
After signing up for the APIs, create a file called 'config.js' in the repository root with the following API credentials:
const config = { twitter: { consumer_key: '', consumer_secret: '', access_token: '', access_token_secret: '' }, google: { "apiKey" : '' }, datumBox: { "apiKey" : '', }, port: process.env.PORT || 3000 };
module.exports = config;
To change ports or HOST to a live URL edit the .env file
- Install dependencies and run the app from the root directory:
cd NodeTwitterSentiment
npm install
npm start
API requests will be visible via terminal output
- Go to to see the App
TODO: Average sentiments from both APIs and render on front end Dockerfile Get All Tweets