
How to mention user with the same name?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

i have a
List<Map<String, dynamic>> userList = [{"fullname": "demo", "id": "1"},{"fullname":"demo", "id": "2"}]
when i mention the first demo user it will take the demo user with id = 1 and mention the demo user it will take the demo user with id= 2
i have tried so many ways to format the String when use onMentionClick function but still fail

Hi, there is no issue with having multiple users with the same name, you can put anything you want in the mention.customProperties, like the user id for instance.

Without any code sample, I cannot tell you what you are doing wrong but if you look closely at the mention.dart example you can see that the user's name doesn't really matter as we save the userId as well in the custom properties.

I'm closing it, let me know if you need more help