
How to use delegate methods using storyboard

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Hi. I implemented the control using the Storyboard. In reference to the example in the source, to "Center view" I have assigned a controller in which I imported "MSSlidingPanelController.h" and I added the delegate "MSSlidingPanelControllerDelegate." In the implementation file I added the delegate method

  • (void) slidingPanelController: (MSSlidingPanelController *) panelController beginsToBringOutSide: (MSSPSideDisplayed) side
  • (void) slidingPanelController: (MSSlidingPanelController *) panelController hasClosedSide: (MSSPSideDisplayed) side
  • (void) slidingPanelController: (MSSlidingPanelController *) panelController hasOpenedSide: (MSSPSideDisplayed) side

but they do not run (XCode does not return any error). In other words, how should I proceed to execute the methods of the delegate using storyboard? Can you give me some guidance in this regard? Thanks for the excellent work and accomplishments!


In the following example I show you how to assign a "center view" controller which will be the delegate.


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface CenterViewController : UITableViewController



#import "CenterViewController.h"
#import "MSSlidingPanelController.h"
#import "MSViewControllerSlidingPanel.h"

@interface CenterViewController () <MSSlidingPanelControllerDelegate>


@implementation CenterViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    [[self slidingPanelController] setDelegate:self];

- (void)slidingPanelController:(MSSlidingPanelController *)panelController beginsToBringOutSide:(MSSPSideDisplayed)side

- (void)slidingPanelController:(MSSlidingPanelController *)panelController hasClosedSide:(MSSPSideDisplayed)side

- (void)slidingPanelController:(MSSlidingPanelController *)panelController hasOpenedSide:(MSSPSideDisplayed)side


I guess you just forgot the content of viewDidLoad.
Let me know if I didn't understand your problem correctly.

Hi Sebastien, your solution works fine. Indeed I did not set the delegate in viewDidLoad. Thanks.
