
Is .net 4.5 support?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I recently upgraded a project to .net 4.5. Everything is working fine except I get the build error below:

Error 104 The type or namespace name 'SDammann' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\Datahug\Branches\NextRelease\Datahug.Api\Contollers\HomeController.cs 4 7 Datahug.Api

When I look at the build output it looks like the SDammann.WebApi.Versioning reference is not included in the csc command. I am guess this is because it was built for .net4?

I use it in a .NET 4.5 project without issue.

Do you have it as a project reference? You may want to manually re-add it. Or you may want to retry the nuget package again (you may need to manually remove from your packages.config beforehand)

Install-Package SDammann.WebApi.Versioning

.NET 4.5 is now supported, also as part of the package.

Awesome. Thanks Sebazzz