
[FEATURE] `Install-Dependencies.bat` fix `avformat.dll` missing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Users on Windows might have a problem exporting the audio from Audacity® on Windows - see here: #12

The Install-Dependencies.bat should handle this by either:

  • Install the Gyan.FFmpeg.Shared packet instead of the normal Gyan.FFmpeg package
  • Downloading the recommended ffmpeg installer from here and installing it with the /silent switch

Code which might help for the second solution, courtesy of @Snupai:

FOR /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%f IN ('wmic os get osarchitecture /value ^| find "="') DO SET "OS_ARCH=%%f"
IF "%OS_ARCH%"=="32-Bit" GOTO :32bit ::this no reliable
IF "%OS_ARCH%"=="64-Bit" GOTO :64bit ::this no reliable

call :PrintInfo "32bit"
powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "%~dp0/.tmp/FFmpeg_5.0.0_for_Audacity_on_Windows_x86.exe""
"%~dp0/.tmp/FFmpeg_5.0.0_for_Audacity_on_Windows_x86.exe" /silent

call :PrintInfo "64bit"
powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "%~dp0/.tmp/FFmpeg_5.0.0_for_Audacity_on_Windows_x86_64.exe""
"%~dp0/.tmp/FFmpeg_5.0.0_for_Audacity_on_Windows_x86_64.exe" /silent

Due to Cloudflare this option seems to be unreliable/not possible.

The Install-Dependencies.bat could handle this by:

  • Install the Gyan.FFmpeg.Shared packet instead of the normal Gyan.FFmpeg package
  • Add ffmpeg to PATH
  • Add Gyan.FFmpeg.Shared path to the Audacity config

This could be done using the following snippets:

        ffmpeg -version >nul 2>&1
    ) && (
        call :PrintInfo "ffmpeg is already installed. Skipping..."
    ) || (

        REM ffmpeg is not installed, install it
        call :PrintInfo "Installing ffmpeg..."
        winget install Gyan.FFmpeg.Shared
        call :addFFmpegToPath

REM --------------------check-for-ffmpeg-key---------------------------
if /i "%install%"=="n" goto :continueHewe
REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\FFmpeg for Audacity" /v InstallPath
    call :PrintInfo "Key exist"

    REM goto :keyWasFound

reg query "HKLM\Software\FFmpeg for Audacity" /v InstallPath
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (
    call :PrintInfo "Key exist"

    REM goto :keyWasFound

goto :noKeyFound
call :PrintInfo "Key found nothing to do."
goto :end

call :PrintInfo "Could not find any key trying to add Path to config"

REM ---------------------------cfg-shit--------------------------------------------------

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set "root=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\"
for /d %%W in ("%root%Gyan.FFmpeg.Shared*") do (
    for /d %%D in ("%%W\ffmpeg*") do (
        if exist "%%D\bin" (
            set "ffmpeg_path=%%D\bin"
            if exist "!ffmpeg_path!\avformat*.dll" (
                call :PrintInfo "The folder contains the required file avformat.dll."
                goto :cfgShitFFmpegPathdone
call :PrintWarning "ffmpeg bin directory not found."
goto :continueHewe
set "cfg_file=%APPDATA%\audacity\audacity.cfg"

set "cfg_ffmpeg_path=!ffmpeg_path:\=//!"
echo %cfg_ffmpeg_path%
echo !ffmpeg_path!
set "parameter1=Enabled"
set "value1=1"
set "parameter2=FFmpegLibPath"
set "value2=%cfg_ffmpeg_path%"

if not exist "%APPDATA%\audacity\" (
    mkdir "%APPDATA%\audacity\"
        echo [FFmpeg]
        echo %parameter1%=%value1%
        echo %parameter2%=%value2%
    ) > "%cfg_file%"
    goto :end
if not exist "%APPDATA%\audacity\audacity.cfg" (
    call :PrintInfo "audacity.cfg does not exist and will be created."
        echo [FFmpeg]
        echo %parameter1%=%value1%
        echo %parameter2%=%value2%
    ) > "%cfg_file%"
) else (
    call :PrintWarning "audacity.cfg exists"
    call :LogicForEditing

REM ---------------------------Check for python--------------------------------------------------
(for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%a in ('type "%cfg_file%"') do (
    set "line=%%a"
    if "!line:~0,1!"=="[" (
        if "!line:~-1!"=="]" (
            echo !line!
    ) else if "%%a"=="%parameter1%" (
	if "%%b"=="%value1%" ( 
	    call :PrintInfo "cfg file already contains FFmpeg Enabled=1"
	    exit /b 0
        echo %%a=%value1%
        echo %parameter2%=%value2%
    ) else (
        echo %%a=%%b
)) > ""
move /y "" "%cfg_file%"
exit /b 0

REM ---------------------------add-ffmpeg-to-path----------------------------------------
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set "root=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\"
for /d %%W in ("%root%Gyan.FFmpeg.Shared*") do (
    for /d %%D in ("%%W\ffmpeg*") do (
        if exist "%%D\bin" (
            set "ffmpeg_path=%%D\bin"
            setx path "%PATH%;!ffmpeg_path!"
        ) else (
            call :PrintWarning "ffmpeg bin directory not found."
exit /b 0

Also the CleanUp would need to be changed to the following:

rd /S /Q "%~dp0/.tmp"
exit /b 0

Since Audacity 3.4 Opus support is built in therefore we do not need the avformat.dll.