
Reaching out to project creator

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi @SecondDim and @mlbhub5, i'm Alex, one of the co-founders of Storipress. Think of us as 'Shopify for News'.

I couldn't find your contact information online, hence why I thought i'd open an issue here.

Storipress is a media-technology company based in Taiwan that is currently hiring specifically for web scraping specialists.

I stumbled across this repo after researching web-scraping tools on Github, and saw that you were also in Taiwan.

Are you open to working with us? If so, send a message to and i'll let you know next steps.

Storipress was founded in Sydney, Australia in 2020, and has quickly attracted attention and investment from Australia's largest and most influential 'Silicon Valley' venture capital investors.

P.s. Happy Lunar New Year
