
Text message for level editor save

Opened this issue · 4 comments

When you save a level in TSC, it plays a sound effect indicating the save but has no other visual indication. It might make sense briefly to print a "Level Saved" message (with translations). This way if the user has sound turned off or is hearing impaired, they know what just happened. I didn't hear the sound effect in a restaurant with the sound off and got pretty confused myself, thinking I was having mouse offset issues.

Actually, this message existed until I changed the editor interface to not use the HUD. Such messages are displayed in the HUD. As the HUD is now disabled in the editor (to fix the mouse offset issues!) there's no easy way to show messages in the editor. I'll take a look, though. I haven't thought about potentially noisy environments or deaf users.

Meanwhile, you can save with CTRL+S. This is easier than clicking the save menu point.

(to fix the mouse offset issues!)

My fingers were faster than my brain. The HUD was not deactivated in the editor for mouse offset issues, but for the mouse click issues -- it was occupying the upper third and clicking there never made it to the game.

Can the HUD be resized and/or moved as an alternative?