
Webserver Error

Closed this issue · 9 comments

NameError at /
uninitialized constant Rack::Head::REQUEST_METHOD

file: head.rb
location: call
line: 15

Hey could you provide a little more info :-)

i just install it on kali , and run Listener webserver and Here is my terminal ::

Thanks this is much better. I'll have an answer for you tomorrow hopefully. Currently on a plane and about to land :-)

Have a Safe Trip :)

Sorry for the late response, but I honestly cannot reproduce this. Which versions of gems you are using ?

I am using Rack 1.6.4 and Puma 3.4.0 and I do not get the same error message. Could you perform a bundle update and see if you still get the same error ?

closing ticket for lack of interaction.

I had the same issue. For some reason, Rack 1.6.4 breaks Cartero on Kali Linux. I ended up using Rack 1.5.3. Run these commands to solve your problem:

gem uninstall rack
(Press whichever number corresponds to Rack 1.6.4)

Interésting Thanks for this feedback