
RichTextField Support

ismailnural opened this issue · 3 comments


Is it possible to use LocalizedTextField models with any rich text editor like ckeditor?

I'm using ckeditor for my TextField models width RichTextField() but now I cant do it and I couldn't found a way to use it.


Yes, it's possible. We do something like this:

from ckeditor.widgets import CKEditorWidget

from localized_fields.widgets import LocalizedFieldWidget

class LocalizedWYSIWYGFieldWidget(LocalizedFieldWidget):
    widget = CKEditorWidget(attrs={
        # These get injected in the HTML as attributes of the textarea
        # and used by the ckeditor.
        'data-type': 'ckeditortype',
        'data-processed': '0',
        'data-external-plugin-resources': '[]'

Thanks @Photonios ! Exactly was I looking for. Do you know how to impose a toolbar? It get Full toolbar instead the one defined in default of CKEDITOR_CONFIGS setting's variable.

finally i did it this way, let me know if someone found a better solution:

import json
from django.conf import settings
from ckeditor.widgets import CKEditorWidget
from localized_fields.widgets import LocalizedFieldWidget

class LocalizedWYSIWYGFieldWidget(AdminLocalizedFieldWidget):
    widget = CKEditorWidget(
            # These get injected in the HTML as attributes of the textarea
            # and used by the ckeditor.
            "data-type": "ckeditortype",
            "data-processed": "0",
            "data-external-plugin-resources": "[]",
            "data-config": json.dumps(
                    "toolbar": settings.CKEDITOR_CONFIGS["default"]["toolbar_Custom"],