DumpTheGit searches through public repositories to find sensitive information uploaded to the Github repositories.
- 0xz4ro
- adryanevPT Majoo Teknologi Indonesia
- ahhh
- AnoRebel@HackEAC
- anquanscan
- AV1080pUSA
- babafengDongLaiXiang
- binyang179los
- BlackDiverXMoscow
- c5e3
- chenerlich
- dayld
- deansnider
- flzaraEclipse Foundation
- FunkeDopePhilly
- geekspeedUnited States
- GONZOsintHagakure
- halsten
- Hasanabas
- IgorSasovets
- kernel-sandersBad Sector Labs
- LennonCMJSingapore
- lewellynAvailable for contract work
- moon2l
- NarutoGit
- On2SpaceBoulder, Colorado
- owen800qSingapore
- prdwyer
- Raul1718Web Security Engineer
- scalefree[undisclosed]
- Shiva108CPH:SEC
- silverskyvictoRicksoft Co., Ltd.
- stjordanisGreece
- TaiusUnited Kingdom
- XerrexNairobi, Kenya
- xYantix