
UI issue when transcribing Seed phrase QR code template

Purchase73 opened this issue · 2 comments

When backing up the seed by creating a SeedQR (Backup Seed, Export as SeedQR), and choosing Standard: 25 x 25, you get to the Transcribe SeedQR screen. In that screen, you go to each square (A1, A2, A3, etc), and mark on your paper template the dots that need to be filled.
In 3 of the corners, the pre-printed alignment marker square sections show as squares. And the squares that you need to fill in are rounded, like you would make with a marker or sharpie pen.
However, in the bottom right pre-printed alignment marker square section, it shows up as dots. So you can't distinguish it from the rounded squares you're trying to fill in.

I would expect the bottom right section to behave as the other 3 sections.
There's some discussion of the issue here



The same dotted-but-should-be-squares rendering style appears in the zoomed in transcription UI.