
macOS: Build Fails, Seeed_Arduino_FreeRTOS.h Not Found

rei-vilo opened this issue · 6 comments

I've followed the procedure but ./ --build fails with the following error:

% cd /Users/USER/Arduino/Libraries/Seeed_Arduino_edgeimpulse
% ./ --build

Building Seeed_Arduino_edgeimpulse.ino
Still building...
In file included from /Users/USER/Arduino/Libraries/Seeed_Arduino_edgeimpulse/Seeed_Arduino_edgeimpulse.ino:24:0:
/var/folders/wn/n7qqb8ss0k3bvpqwfcdwp_7r0000gn/T/arduino-sketch-5058F1AF8388633F609CADB75A75DC9D/sketch/src/setup.h:25:10: fatal error: Seeed_Arduino_FreeRTOS.h: No such file or directory
 #include "Seeed_Arduino_FreeRTOS.h"
compilation terminated.
Error during build: exit status 1
./ line 44: exit: Building Seeed_Arduino_edgeimpulse.ino failed: numeric argument required

The Seeed_Arduino_FreeRTOS.h header file is located at /Users/USER/Arduino/Libraries/Seeed_Arduino_FreeRTOS/src/Seeed_Arduino_FreeRTOS.h.

What's going on?

% uname -a
Darwin MacBook.local 19.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Sun Jul  5 00:43:10 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.1~9/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
% arduino-cli version
arduino-cli Version: 0.11.0 Commit: 0296f4df116385f868b67c5ffa7393936c3345c9

I can’t see any difference between the CI and the Building the application I’ve followed with the error mentioned earlier.

Would you mind using the standard Arduino IDE instead of Arduino-CLI to build the example?

Thank you!

The main reason is that the SDK of EdgeImpulse does not conform to the directory structure of the Arduino Library.We need to follow the rules of the upstream game. @rei-vilo

Thank you for the explanation. Still no luck in building it.

Would it be possible to provide the executable, either as a .bin or .uf2 file?

Thank you!

Thank you, it will easier that way.