This repository contains a curated list of papers, datasets, and tools that are devoted to research on Machine Learning for Software Engineering. The papers are organized into popular research areas so that researchers can find recent papers and state-of-the-art approaches easily.
Please feel free to send a pull request to add papers and relevant content that are not listed here.
- Type Inference as Optimization (2021), NeurIPS'21 AIPLANS, Pandi, Irene Vlassi, et al. [pdf]
- SimTyper: Sound Type Inference for Ruby using Type Equality Prediction (2021), OOPSLA'21, Kazerounian, Milod, et al.
- Learning type annotation: is big data enough? (2021), FSE 2021, Jesse, Kevin, et al.
- Cross-Lingual Adaptation for Type Inference (2021), arxiv 2021, Li, Zhiming, et al. [pdf]
- PYInfer: Deep Learning Semantic Type Inference for Python Variables (2021), arxiv 2021, Cui, Siwei, et al. [pdf]
- HiTyper: A Hybrid Static Type Inference Framework with Neural Prediction (2021), arxiv 2021, Peng, Yun, et al. [pdf]
- Type4Py: Deep Similarity Learning-Based Type Inference for Python (2021), arxiv 2021, Mir, Amir, et al. [pdf]
- Advanced Graph-Based Deep Learning for Probabilistic Type Inference (2020), arxiv 2020, Ye, Fangke, et al. [pdf]
- Typilus: Neural Type Hints (2020), PLDI 2020, Allamanis, Miltiadis, et al. [pdf]
- LambdaNet: Probabilistic Type Inference using Graph Neural Networks (2020), arxiv 2020, Wei, Jiayi, et al. [pdf]
- TypeWriter: Neural Type Prediction with Search-based Validation (2019), arxiv 2019, Pradel, Michael, et al. [pdf]
- NL2Type: Inferring JavaScript Function Types from Natural Language Information (2019), ICSE 2019, Malik, Rabee S., et al. [pdf]
- Deep Learning Type Inference (2018), ESEC/FSE 2018, Hellendoorn, Vincent J., et al. [pdf]
- Python Probabilistic Type Inference with Natural Language Support (2016), FSE 2016, Xu, Zhaogui, et al.
- Predicting Program Properties from “Big Code” (2015) ACM SIGPLAN 2015, Raychev, Veselin, et al. [pdf]
- Code Completion by Modeling Flattened Abstract Syntax Trees as Graphs (2021), AAAI'21, Wang, Yanlin, et al. [pdf]
- Code Prediction by Feeding Trees to Transformers (2021), ICSE'21, Kim, Seohyun, et al. [pdf]
- Fast and Memory-Efficient Neural Code Completion (2020), arxiv 2020, Svyatkovskoy, Alexey, et al. [pdf]
- Pythia: AI-assisted Code Completion System (2019), KDD'19, Svyatkovskiy, Alexey, et al. [pdf]
- Code Completion with Neural Attention and Pointer Networks (2018), arxiv 2018, Li, Jian, et al. [pdf]
- Code Prediction by Feeding Trees to Transformers (2020), arxiv 2020, Kim, Seohyun, et al. [pdf]
- TreeGen: A Tree-Based Transformer Architecture for Code Generation (2019), arxiv 2019, Zhu, Qihao, et al. [pdf]
- A Parallel Corpus of Python Functions and Documentation Strings for Automated Code Documentation and Code Generation (2017), arxiv 2017, Barone, Antonio V. M., et al. [pdf]
- Project-Level Encoding for Neural Source Code Summarization of Subroutines (2021), ICPC 2021, Bansal, Aakash, et al. [pdf]
- Code Structure Guided Transformer for Source Code Summarization (2021), arxiv 2021, Gao, Shuzheng, et al. [pdf]
- Source Code Summarization Using Attention-Based Keyword Memory Networks (2020), IEEE BigComp 2020, Choi, YunSeok, et al.
- A Transformer-based Approach for Source Code Summarization (2020), arxiv 2020, Ahmad, Wasi Uddin, et al. [pdf]
- A Convolutional Attention Network for Extreme Summarization of Source Code (2016), ICML 2016, Allamanis, Miltiadis, et al. [pdf]
- Language-Agnostic Representation Learning of Source Code from Structure and Context (2021), ICLR'21, Zügner, Daniel, et al. [pdf]
- Learning and Evaluating Contextual Embedding of Source Code (2020), ICML 2020, Kanade, Aditya, et al. [pdf]
- Learning Semantic Program Embeddings with Graph Interval Neural Network (2020), OOPSLA'20, Wang, Yu, et al.
- Contrastive Code Representation Learning (2020), arxiv 2020, Jain, Paras, et al. [pdf]
- Codebert: A Pre-trained Model for Programming and Natural Languages (2020), arxiv 2020, Feng, Zhangyin, et al. [pdf]
- SCELMo: Source Code Embeddings from Language Models (2020), arxiv 2020, Karampatsis, Rafael-Michael, et al. [pdf]
- code2vec: Learning Distributed Representations of Code (2019), ACM POPL 2019, Alon, Uri, et al. [pdf]
- COSET: A Benchmark for Evaluating Neural Program Embeddings (2019), arxiv 2019, Wang, Ke, et al. [pdf]
- A Literature Study of Embeddings on Source Code (2019), arxiv 2019, Chen, Zimin, et al. [pdf]
- code2seq: Generating Sequences from Structured Representations of Code (2018), arxiv 2018, Alon, Uri, et al. [pdf]
- Neural Code Comprehension: A Learnable Representation of Code Semantics (2018), NIPS 2018, Ben-Nun, Tal, et al. [pdf]
- Commit2Vec: Learning Distributed Representations of Code Changes (2021), SN Computer Science, Lozoya, Rocío Cabrera, et al.
- CODIT: Code Editing with Tree-Based Neural Models (2020), TSE 2020, Chakraborty, Saikat, et al.
- On learning meaningful code changes via neural machine translation (2019), ICSE 2019, Tufano, Michele, et al.
- Hoppity: Learning graph transformations to detect and fix bugs in programs (2020), ICLR 2020, Dinella, Elizabeth, et al. [pdf]
- Deep Learning based Software Defect Prediction (2020), Neurocomputing, Qiao, Lei, et al.
- Software Vulnerability Discovery via Learning Multi-domain Knowledge Bases (2019), IEEE TDSC, Lin, Guanjun, et al.
- Neural Bug Finding: A Study of Opportunities and Challenges (2019), arxiv 2019, Habib, Andrew, et al. [pdf]
- Automated Vulnerability Detection in Source Code Using Deep Representation Learning (2018), ICMLA 2018, Russell, Rebecca, et al.
- DeepBugs: A Learning Approach to Name-based Bug Detection (2018), ACM PL 2018, Pradel, Michael, et al. [pdf]
- Automatically Learning Semantic Features for Defect Prediction (2016), ICSE 2016, Wang, Song, et al.
- Big Code != Big Vocabulary: Open-Vocabulary Models for Source Code, ICSE'20, Karampatsis, Rafael-Michael, et al.
- Maybe Deep Neural Networks are the Best Choice for Modeling Source Code (2019), arxiv 2019, Karampatsis, Rafael-Michael, et al. [pdf]
- Are Deep Neural Networks the Best Choice for Modeling Source Code? (2017), FSE 2017, Hellendoorn, Vincent J., et al. [pdf]
- Neural Transfer Learning for Repairing Security Vulnerabilities in C Code (2021), Chen, Zimin, et al. [pdf]
- Generating Bug-Fixes Using Pretrained Transformers (2021), arxiv 2021, Drain, Dawn, et al. [pdf]
- Neural Program Repair by Jointly Learning to Localize and Repair (2019), arxiv 2019, Vasic, Marko, et al. [pdf]
- Unsupervised Translation of Programming Languages (2020), arxiv 2020, Lachaux, Marie-Anne et al. [pdf]
- funcGNN: A Graph Neural Network Approach to Program Similarity (2020), ESEM'20, Nair, Aravind, et al.
- The Adverse Effects of Code Duplication in Machine Learning Models of Code (2019), Onward! 2019, Allamanis, Miltiadis, et al. [pdf]
- Thinking Like a Developer? Comparing the Attention of Humans with Neural Models of Code, ASE'21, Paltenghi, M. & Pradel, M.
- An Empirical Study of Transformers for Source Code, FSE'21, Chirkova, N., & Troshin, S.
- An Empirical Study on the Usage of Transformer Models for Code Completion, MSR'21, Ciniselli, Matteo, et al.
- A Survey on Machine Learning Techniques for Source Code Analysis (2021), arxiv 2021, Sharma, Tushar, et al. [pdf]
- Deep Learning & Software Engineering: State of Research and Future Directions (2020), arxiv 2020, Devanbu, Prem, et al. [pdf]
- A Systematic Literature Review on the Use of Deep Learning in Software Engineering Research (2020), arxiv 2020, Watson, Cody, et al. [pdf]
- Machine Learning for Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping (2020), arxiv 2020, Shafiq, Saad, et al. [pdf]
- Synergy between Machine/Deep Learning and Software Engineering: How Far Are We? (2020), arxiv 2020, Wang, Simin, et al. [pdf]
- Software Engineering Meets Deep Learning: A Literature Review (2020), arxiv 2020, Ferreira, Fabio, et al. [pdf]
- Software Vulnerability Detection Using Deep Neural Networks: A Survey (2020), Proceedings of the IEEE, Lin, Guanjun, et al.
- Deep Learning for Source Code Modeling and Generation: Models, Applications and Challenges (2020), arxiv 2020, Le, Triet HM, et al. [pdf]
- A Survey of Machine Learning for Big Code and Naturalness (2018), ACM Computing Surveys, Allamanis, Miltiadis, et al. [pdf]
- Learning to Find Bugs in Programs and their Documentation (2021), Andrew Habib [pdf]
- Machine Learning and the Science of Software Engineering (2020), Vincent Hellendoorn
- Deep learning for compilers (2020), Christopher E. Cummins [pdf]
- Deep Learning in Software Engineering (2020), Cody Watson [pdf]
- Learning Code Transformations via Neural Machine Translation (2019), Michele Tufano [pdf]
- Improving the Usability of Static Analysis Tools Using Machine Learning (2019), Ugur Koc [pdf]
- Learning Natural Coding Conventions (2016), Miltiadis Allamanis [pdf]
- Machine Learning for Software Engineering: AMA, MSR 2020 [video]
- Understanding Source Code with Deep Learning, FOSDEM 2019 [video]
- ogbg-code2 (2021)
- ManyTypes4Py (2021)
- CodeSearchNet (2020)
- ManySStuBs4J (2019)
- 150k Python Dataset (2016)
- 150k Javascript Dataset (2016)
- GitHub Java Corpus (2013)
- SentencePiece - Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation
- CD4Py - Code De-Duplication for Python
- Near-duplicate Source Code Detector
- LibSA4Py - LibSA4Py: Light-weight static analysis for extracting type hints and features
- python-graphs - A static analysis library for computing graph representations of Python programs suitable for use with graph neural networks.
- Utilities by the DPU team of Microsoft
- A set of tools to work with Big Code - Fetching GitHub repos, tokenizers, embeddings and etc
- LibCST - A concrete syntax tree parser library for Python
- Semantic - Parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code across many languages
- cloc - Counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.
- Software Engineering Research Group (SERG), Delft University of Technology
- Secure, Reliable, and Intelligent Systems Lab (SRI), ETH Zurich
- Software Lab (SOLA), University of Stuttgart
- Machine Learning for the Analysis of Source Code Text (MAST), Edinburgh University
- Deep Program Understanding, Microsoft Research
- DECAL (Davis Excellent/Eclectic/Extreme Computational Analytics Lab), UC Davis
- ICSE, the International Conference on Software Engineering
- FSE, Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
- ASE, the International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
- MSR, the Mining Software Repositories conference
- ICLR, the International Conference on Learning Representations
- ICML, the International Conference on Machine Learning
- OOPSLA, the ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications
- TSE, the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering