Iridium plate event throws NPE
lonng12 opened this issue · 4 comments
lonng12 commented
- I am using official English version of SlimeTinker and did not modify jar.
- I am using an up to date "DEV" version of SlimeTinker.
- I searched for similar open issues and could not find an existing bug report on this.
I don't know why, but when I use paper, I don't spam, when I use puffer fish, I get spam
Steps to reproduce
[135949] [ServerMainINFO] Environme.txt
Expected behavior
i need the devs to show me how to fix it or the devs can fix it, help me, thanks
Server log
No response
Error report
Server software
Other (please specify in your description)
Minecraft Version
CS-CoreLib Version
- I don't have CS-CoreLib installed
Slimefun version
SlimeTinker version
Other plugins
- ViaVersion 4.7.0
- LuckPerms 5.4.88
- MechanicsCore 2.4.3
- Vault 1.7.3-b131
- ClearLag 3.2.2
- PlaceholderAPI 2.11.3
- WorldEdit 7.2.15+6463-5ca4dff
- Slimefun DEV - 1088 (git ca85798b)
- SlimyTreeTaps DEV - 20 (git 963f0383)
- LiteXpansion DEV - 189 (git b2d7c10d)
- ExoticGarden DEV - 78 (git 7f9a5f63)
- InfinityExpansion DEV - 144 (git 9da37202)
- Galactifun DEV - 76 (git aa6414a8)
- VoidGen 2.2.1
- DynaTech DEV - 194 (git 990c942e)
- Netheopoiesis DEV - 18 (git 9d12cc6f)
- WorldGuard 7.0.8+33cdb4a
- Multiverse-Core 4.3.1-b861
- TranscEndence DEV - 41 (git 98d7d47e)
- SlimefunWarfare DEV - 82 (git 0bb3ff87)
- Networks DEV - 49 (git 4c64a5ca)
- ViaBackwards 4.7.0
- GriefPrevention 16.18.1
- ProtocolLib 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT-654
- SimpleMaterialGenerators DEV - 4 (git 5543cc8f)
- SlimeTinker DEV - 82 (git cc248ac)
- GSit 1.4.5
- floodgate 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT (b59-2278589)
- Essentials 2.20.1-dev+37-b2ae28b
- Skript 2.7.0-beta2
- DecentHolograms 2.8.3
- NexEngine 2.2.10 build-06/04/2023
- ChestShop 3.12.2 (build 353)
- SlimyRepair DEV - 4 (git 790c41cb)
- PotionExpansion DEV - 7 (git aea4ae37)
- MissileWarfare 1.6.13
- SoulJars DEV - 24 (git 78d1c6fa)
- Liquid DEV - 14 (git 0f5346bf)
- HotbarPets DEV - 38 (git fa6c871d)
- EcoPower DEV - 5 (git 5c1ecd68)
- AlchimiaVitae DEV - 24 (git 6950e5d2)
- SoundMuffler DEV - 24 (git ae8e2bf7)
- FluffyMachines DEV - 130 (git 01c839cc)
- ColoredEnderChests DEV - 23 (git 4d041832)
- FlowerPower DEV - 16 (git 5a38d1c6)
- MobCapturer DEV - 31 (git c979dc9a)
- VillagerUtil DEV - 1 (git 0a949b19)
- SFCalc DEV - 37 (git dfc0fc41)
- ElectricSpawners DEV - 23 (git 6ec96773)
- Supreme DEV - 29 (git f9e70053)
- ExtraGear DEV - 13 (git c62047e2)
- FNAmplifications DEV - 90 (git e573ecee)
- SlimefunOreChunks DEV - 15 (git 2520cb23)
- RelicsOfCthonia DEV - 8 (git a7ef6cb6)
- FoxyMachines DEV - 66 (git faa7101d)
- ExtraTools DEV - 36 (git 922c0324)
- CrystamaeHistoria DEV - 81 (git 0c0efa95)
- LightAPI bukkit-5.3.0 (build SNAPSHOT)
- LoneLibs 1.0.25
- Vulcan 2.7.4
- DiscordSRV 1.26.2
- AureliumSkills Beta 1.3.21
- WorldGuardExtraFlags 4.2.1
- CoreProtect 21.3
- PlayerPoints 3.2.6
- Shopkeepers 2.17.1
- SimpleUtils DEV - 15 (git 4250fd5e)
- SlimeCustomizer DEV - 30 (git 6f0bf930)
- Bump Build 37 (git 04753c4)
- ItemsAdder 3.5.0b
- LiteBans 2.10.0
- InteractiveChat
- AdvancedEnchantments 9.2.13
- T2CodeLib 15.7
- TradeSystem 2.3.3
- CompressionCraft DEV - 25 (git dbca94b8)
- Chunky 1.3.92
- NapTheMomo 1.2.5
- PlayerWarps 6.25.3
- MiniBlocks DEV - 4 (git f7a34b6e)
- EquivalencyTech ${project.version}
- AnimatedScoreboard 0.3.0
- ChatManager 3.7.7
- BloodMoon 0.8.1
- Wildernether DEV - 5 (git 5be3da69)
- ChatGames 1.0
- EssentialsGeoIP 2.20.1-dev+37-b2ae28b
- SlimefunLuckyBlocks DEV - 36 (git 60f0c8dc)
- BungeeGuard 1.3-SNAPSHOT
- Brewery 3.1.1
- SmallSpace DEV - 13 (git dcf995c3)
- AuctionHouse 3.4.1
- Thesieutoc #27
- OnePlayerSleep 3.1.16
- InventoryRollbackPlus 1.6.10
- SlimeHUD DEV - 10 (git 7d1c666b)
- EMCTech DEV - 5 (git c61222fb)
- AdvancedTech DEV - 19 (git c133bfdd)
- BanItem 3.4
- ConsoleSpamFix 1.10.0
- VillagerTrade DEV - 1 (git 72cda9f8)
- BetterRTP 3.6.10
- ExcellentCrates 4.2.0
- EssentialsSpawn 2.20.1-dev+37-b2ae28b
- AutoTool 1.1.3
- BetterReactor DEV - 6 (git 639bc1dd)
- InteractionVisualizer
- SpiritsUnchained DEV - 22 (git 28e031e0)
- DiscordSRVUtils 1.2.12
- RealisticSeasons 10.5.2
- spark 1.10.34
- SilkSpawners_v2 2.2.0
- QuickTax 1.3.15
- Cultivation DEV - 11 (git 3e25165d)
- BetterTeams 4.7.1
- PlayerStats 2.0
- PluginManager 2.8.1
- DeluxeMenus 1.13.7-Release
- InteractiveChatDiscordSrvAddon
- SfChunkInfo DEV - 8 (git b1b94abb)
- antiRedstoneClock 1.5.0
- AEAddon 1.0.0
- BossShopPro 2.0.9
- T2C-OPSecurity 3.1.3
- RewardsLite 3.1.4
- LevelledMobs 3.11.0 b769
- SFAdvancements DEV - 24 (git 3fec3690)
- TAB 4.0.1
ybw0014 commented
The error report is from DynaTech, but dont worry, I find the stack trace in your logs.
lonng12 commented
So now I have to ask dev DynaTech for support, right?
ybw0014 commented
Your issue is found in the logs, but
Error report
This one is from DynaTech, you need to report there.
lonng12 commented
but it doesn't affect the server much, I find slimetinker spam console too so thanks dev