Console warning Plugin 'SlimeTinker' is creating timing 'Commands' - this is deprecated behavior, please report it to the authors: Sefiraat
MomaCods opened this issue · 2 comments
- I am using official English version of SlimeTinker and did not modify jar.
- I am using an up to date "DEV" version of SlimeTinker.
- I searched for similar open issues and could not find an existing bug report on this.
This is on 1.20.2 the below table doesnt have that as an option
Steps to reproduce
I switched from Spigot 1.20.1 to Paper 1.20.2 and these warnings came up
Expected behavior
I was expecting no errors or warnings in console as there had previously been none
Server log
Error report
Server software
Minecraft Version
CS-CoreLib Version
- I don't have CS-CoreLib installed
Slimefun version
Slimefun4 - DEV 1104 (git c9774)
SlimeTinker version
SlimeTinker - DEV 84 (git 2c9f6)
Other plugins
chat emojis, pyro lib, LuckPerms, Vanish, ProtocolLib, SimpleRtp, Vault, Holomob Health, World Edit, EssentialsX, PyroFishing, EssentialsChat, LWC, EssentialsProtect, Essentials AntiBuild, EssentialsSpawn, Chat Manager, Core Protect, Wild Stacker, ExtraStorage, GriefDefender, Graves, Quests, as well as SF Addons SFchunkInfo, ExtraGear, SFadvancement,SlimeHUD,SFCalc, MobCapturer, TransEndence, HotBar PEts, Exotic Garden, ExtraTools, Relics of Cthonia, SimpleMaterialGenerators, DyeBench, Supreme, VillagerUtils, Whatisthis, SlimyTreeTaps, FlowerPower, FluffyMachines, DyedBackPacks, LiteExpansion, InfinintyExpansion,NEtworks,DynaTech,Slimetinker
no need to worry about