
Workspace tab

Closed this issue · 13 comments

Create a new tab beside the tab component, where user can manage all gates in active canvas, user also can delete any gate from the workspace and it gets deleted from canvas

@Eslam-Samir Ready to go, just merge the master into LS17

@Tootis shoof keda ana 3mlt el workspace fe nafs tab el componants mo2aqtn 3shan el testing bs we fi no2ta tania el gates malhash names el mafrod a3red eh fel workspace

@Tootis ana ta2ribn 5alast check keda

@Eslam-Samir tmam ,, sh8al alah ynawar ,, bs awel marra ft7t el bernameg w ft7t new tab l2eet 7asal crash m3rftsh sabbo

fel Private class bta3 el WorkspaceTab class e3ml initialization lel "currentCanvasManager"

@Eslam-Samir ht7tag tshelo b2a mn el components tab w t7oto fe tab lwa7do

@Eslam-Samir w mtnsash t3ml update mn el master

-ma7slsh m3aia el crash da abl keda a3ml lel currentCanvasManager initialization be eh taib
-ana saibo fel components tab ka debuging as-hl bs lma a5ls harg3ha lel tab beta3ha
-3mlt update men el master bs el input output 3amla moshkla fel dynamic cast betraga3 zero mesh component 3la 3aks el gates

@NourhanEssam howa mainf3sh te8airi implementation el input output components te5ali el body beta3ha ye inherit mel component we el inputcomponent te inherit mel body beta3ha zi el gates keda? 3shan 3amla moshkla fel dynamic cast 3shan keda el body bei inherit men QGraphicsObject we lma bados 3la el input aw el output mabi3rfsh ye3ml dynamic cast

ana keda 5alast bs selection el input output component mel canvas mesh sha8al besabab moshkla fel casting fe function el mouse move eli fel canvas sababo 7aga fe implementation el input output components mo5talefa 3n el gates ta2ribn eli ana olto da

@Tootis review b2a

@Eslam-Samir @NourhanEssam
Ready to go
Someone merges it